Superheroes in the corner
In 2010, Giulia Sagramola invited me to take part in the household exhibition Superheroes on the sofa. I thought one would need superpowers to risk the life crossing the Strait of Gibraltar with a dinghy, to evade the border police and to make a living selling on the streets while holding a sack on the shoulder and having the legs ready to run away at anytime.
Here’s the text of the catalog:
“Recent studies show that Superman, unlike what it is thought, doesn’t come from the the planet Krypton, but from the sub-Saharan Africa. Actually, it’s another piece of information in favor of the theory “Out of Africa” about the origin of our species.
The real Superman adapts himself to the toughest conditions of life, runs away from the police at the speed of sound and is able to fly away with a huge load of fake Luis Vuitton handbags or pirated DVDs in order to avoid his detention. And still he manages to survive and work after receiving attacks from aliens such as racists and any kind of fascists. They say that he hides the ambiguous and elusive personality of Barak Obama, but it’s highly unlikely.